Tag Archives: book review

Book Review: The Boy Recession

Hey Fellow Book-Lovers,

Time for another review. Don’t worry though, tomorrow’s post won’t be another review. I’m thinking that it’s time to do another post on up-coming releases, so that’s what’s on the agenda.



Book: The Boy Recession

Author: Flynn Meaney

Genre: YA fiction

Series: No

My Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



The Boy Recession takes place in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, where the local high school is going through what the girl’s have termed, a “boy recession.” The school, small as it originally was, has lost about 90% of their popular/jock guys. The reason behind this are major budget cuts, that resulted in a pay-cut and a resulting transfer for their football coach as well as cancelling band. The boy, deciding that they would be better off (scholarship-wise) decided to follow the coach or transfer to prep school. This left the high school girls with only the misfit/reject guys that they wouldn’t give the time of day to before.

These remaining guys are now being seriously pursued by the girls. One of these guys is Hunter, Farenbach. He’s a wicked smart, as well as an awesome guitar-player. drummer, singer, and song-writer. Only problem is that he’s a total slacker and seems to have to real passion or desire to do anything with his life. Now, because of the “boy recession” he’s being sought after by girls who are starting to notice his good looks, as well as by the desperate coaches.

The other perspective this book takes the perspective of (other than Hunter) is Kelly Robbins, a junior like Hunter. She’s a really down-to-earth gal, who tends to blend into the background. She’s been friends with Hunter since the third grade (more like acquaintances but whatever). Because she starts teaching third graders how to play instruments with Hunter as volunteer work, she’s spending more and more time with him, and starting to see just how great a guy he is (someone’s got a crush). Only problem is that Hunter is starting to be noticed and pursued by the popular girls and Kelly doesn’t think she stands a chance.

So I’ll leave you there when it comes to the plot line. I don’t want to ruin it for those of you who will read it for yourself. Time to give my honest opinion of the book, and honestly, I really didn’t like it. I so wanted to like it. The premise was interesting, and I thought it would be a light and funny read. Something I desperately needed because of all the stress I’ve been under lately (darn you projects and papers!!!). But no, that most definitely did not happen.

I just couldn’t get past the authors horrible interpretation of high school and the horrible stereotyping that made up this book. The author is young! she should remember what teenagers are like. This took everything to the extreme. Every character was the stereotypical slacker, or slutty popular girl, or pervy guy. It had no originality whatsoever, and was downright insulting at times in regards to how high schoolers think and act. I know there are (maybe) some redeeming qualities to the book, but at the moment, I seriously can’t think of one. So my final thought on the book is ugh, just ugh.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book though. Comment below and tell me what you thought of the book.



Photo Credit –> Boy Recession cover

Book Review: Lola and the Boy Next Door

Hey Fellow Book-Lovers,

So tonight I’m going to be doing another review (shocking, I know). I’m a little late to jump on the bandwagon for reading this book, but this is actually the first I’ve heard of it. I saw the title on another blogger’s post, saying that this was one of their favorite books, so I thought “What the heck” and decided to give it a try.


Book: Lola and the Boy Next Door

Author: Stephanie Perkins

Genre: YA fiction, contemporary romance

Series: Not necessarily, although characters from Anna and the French Kiss are mentioned in this one (this takes place after A&TFK)

My Rating: 2.75 out of 5 stars



Lola is a seventeen year old high school girl who has a crazy style and dreams of being a designer. And not just any designer, but a costume one – the more sparkly, fun, and wild, the better. She tries to never wear the same outfit twice. She’s living the good life, with her perfect, and not to mention hot, rocker boyfriend, cool parents, and great friends. That is until her old next door neighbors, the Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, move back in.

Calliope is an Olympic figure skater and Cricket is a seriously gifted inventor (much like his ancestor Alexander Graham Bell – the inventor of the telephone). They had moved away a couple of years ago to pursue Calliope’s dreams and goals in regards to figure skating. Of course this move occurred right after Lola and Cricket got into a fight (caused by the witchy Calliope) that left Lola heartbroken.

Now that Cricket’s back in town though, he seems to want to start over with Lola (even if it’s just as friends). This causes problems to crop up in Lola’s relationship with her 22-year-old rocker boyfriend, Max, as Lola comes to terms with and decides what to do about, her lifelong feelings for Cricket.

Cute, right? That’s what I thought. That’s about all I thought in regards to the book. It’s a light read, that leaves you feeling all nice and fuzzy inside (kinda how cotton candy does). I’ve actually read quite a number of reviews of this book by other bloggers, and they have nothing but praise for it. Honestly, yes, this is a good book, and yes, I did like it, but I don’t think it deserves that much over-the-top praise. Maybe it’s just me (it probably is).

I will however, give props for Cricket. He is, hands down, my favorite character of the book. He’s just so awkward and shy and just freakin’ adorable. I love that one of the love interests (and the one to win out in the end) is a nerdy and gangly guy and not some stud muffin that’s all muscle or some bad boy. Instead, it’s the endearing boy next door; the nice guy.

So if you want to read this book, I personally would recommend getting it at the bookstore. And I would recommend reading it. Once you do (of if you already have read it) tell me your thoughts. Did you like Cricket? Do you think the book deserves more praise then I’m giving it? I’d love to hear your answers.


Photo Credit –> Lola cover


Book Review: Frost

Hey Fellow Book-Lovers,

Time for another review. And just FYI, I’ve actually read all three of the books that are out in the Frost Chronicles, but this is probably the only review I’m going to do on them. Just know that my feelings have stayed consistent, if not increased in regards to the books. So without further ado…



Book: Frost

Author: Kate Avery Ellison

Genre: YA fiction

Series: Yes, this is the first book in the Frost Chronicles (Thorns is the second and Weavers is the third)

My Rating: 3.75 out of 5 stars


Frost tells the story of Lia Weaver, the main protagonist. Her parents were recently killed, leaving her in charge of her family’s farm as well as her crippled twin brother and perpetual day-dreamer younger sister. She is trying to survive and protect her siblings in an icy world where monsters, called Watchers, roam the surrounding forest at night and one small misstep could mean the separation of her family, or worse, death.

Enter Gabe. He’s what her people call a Farther; someone who comes from a technological world/society that lies beyond the Frost. These people are supposed to be ruthless and cruel, wanting nothing more but to conquer all that they can. Gabe is also a fugitive and on the run from his own people.

Upon the pleading (major puppy dog eyes and heaps of guilt were used) of her sister, Lia helps Gabe, treating his wounds, and hiding him both from the Farthers and her own people. It’s during this time that Lia comes to know Gabe and see past the stereotypes placed upon his people to the intelligent and trusting guy he really is. She also starts to fall in love with him (don’t worry, it’s mutual).

However, not everything is going so smoothly (when does it ever?). The Watchers are becoming more and more aggressive and coming closer and closer to her farm and the town. Not to mention the Farther soldiers that are searching for Gabe and appear to be settling into Lia’s town for the long haul. In order to protect her family and truly help Gabe escape, Lia has to find a secret organization called the Thorns. Doing this though, could put herself in even more danger.

Sounds good right? Well don’t worry, this time it really is. I absolutely loved the world that Ms. Ellison has created. It’s both beautiful and haunting, and keeps you guessing up until the very end. I initially got this book because it seemed like an interesting premiss and I wasn’t expecting too much from it. I thought that I would just read it in between classes or something. Yeah, that didn’t happen. I started it one night before bed. The next day I went and bought the second book because I had to know what would happen.

You may be wondering why then, isn’t the rating higher? The truth is that while the setting, premise and suspense in the book is truly awe-inspiringly amazing, the character depth of this first book (it improves in the second and third ones) falls a little short. I wasn’t as attached to the characters as I usually am, and that drew away from the book as a whole (not too badly though as noted by my previously mentioned devouring of the series).

So with that in mind, go read it for yourself! It’s an awesome book, and I’d loved to hear your thoughts on it.



Photo Credit –> Frost cover

Book Review: Freak of Nature

Hey Fellow Book-Lovers,


Time for another book review. I know I’ve mentioned a couple of times before how busy I’ve been, and how I haven’t had as much time to read as I want to and have been going through some serious withdrawal, so you might be wondering then how the  heck I read a whole book in one day when my life is so hectic. the answer is simple. I stayed up until 3 in the morning to finish it, when I had to get up at 7 for work (I do not recommend doing that btw). So, without further ado, here is the review of the books that made me into a zombie for the day.


Book: Freak of Nature

Author: Julia Crane

Genre: YA science fiction

Series: Yes, first in the IFICS series

My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



Freak of Nature is told from the perspective of Kaitlyn, and occasionally from Lucas. Kaitlyn was involved in a horrible incident that led to her supposed death, but because she had decided to donate her body to science, she’s created into a cyborg. The experiment was meant to leave her with no memories or emotions. Little do the scientists know though, that she does have her emotions, although somewhat muted. She also has a reoccurring dream of someone from her past. She has to keep this hidden though, because if this is revealed, her project might be deemed a failure, and she would be terminated. Hiding her emotions becomes more and more difficult as Kaitlyn finds herself falling for one of the scientists, Lucas.

Now Lucas is a boy genius. He’s in his early 20’s (I can’t remember his exact age) and a brilliant scientist. However, he feels extremely guilty over turning Kaitlyn from the vibrant young woman she used to be into an unemotional cyborg; a science project if you will. It’s because of this that he eventually comes to discover that Kaitlyn can actually feel, and has her own thoughts and emotions. While trying to help Kaitlyn recover her memories, he begins to fall for her.

The book, is about Kaitlyn struggling to come find her place and acceptance between the human and computer worlds with the help of Lucas, before the time for her runs out.

As you might be able to tell from thew cover picture and my last book review, I’ve been into books about cyborgs recently, so when I saw this book and all the good reviews of it, I was all for it. However, I couldn’t get as drawn into the book, the characters, and the storyline. It’s because of that that I gave the lower rating. I really don’t know why I couldn’t get drawn into it either. the storyline was interesting, the characters were awesome, and the romance between Kaitlyn and Lucas was sweet without being sickening and over the top. I blame it on sleep deprivation.

Comment and tell me what you though of it.


Photo Credit –> Freak of Nature cover